HIMEDIA HiCrome 顯色培養基(/產色培養基/呈色培養基)

                                 ( Chromogenic / Fluorogenic Culture Media )

        (一種或多種顯色劑(目測) 或 熒光顯色劑(紫外燈照射觀察) )
該特殊性底物 與 特定微生物自身代謝產生的酶 會產生顯色(產色)情形,


HiMedia – M1573 HiCrome™ Klebsiella Selective Agar Base

Recommended for the isolation and detection of Klebsiella species from water and other sources.This medium can also be used in membrane filtration procedure.。
Principle and Interpretation
HiCrome™ Klebsiella Selective Agar Base is recommended for isolation and enumeration of Klebsiella species based on chromogenic differentiation. Klebsiella pneumoniae strains are widely distributed in the environment and contribute to biochemical and geochemical process (1). K. pneumoniae causes severe often fatal pneumonia. It also proves to be the source of lung infections that generally occur in patients with debilitating conditions such as alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2). The chromogenic substrate incorporated in the media is cleaved specifically by Klebsiella species. K. pneumoniae, the causative agent of pneumonia, produces a purplemagenta coloured colony thereby aiding in the easy detection of the organisms. Most of the frequently encountered gram-negative faecal contaminants are inhibited on this media using a selective supplement. Peptone special and yeast extract provide nitrogeneous and carbonaceous compounds, long chain amino acids, vitamins and other essential nutrients required for the growth of the organism. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic equilibrium of the medium.Bile salts mixture and sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) inhibits most of the accompanying flora. Addition of the selective supplement further increases the selectivity of the medium.
建議將HiCrome™Klebsiella選擇性瓊脂基質用於分離 基於顯色分化的克雷伯氏菌屬的計數和計數。肺炎克雷伯菌菌株廣泛分佈於環境中,有助於生化和地球化學過程(1)。 肺炎克雷伯菌引起嚴重的致命性肺炎。它也被證明是肺部感染的來源,通常發生在患有酗酒,糖尿病和慢性阻塞性肺病等衰弱狀況的患者中(2)。摻入培養基中的生色底物特異性地被克雷伯氏菌屬物種切割。 肺炎的病原體肺炎克雷伯氏菌(K.pneumoniae)產生紫色的洋蘭色菌落,從而有助於易於檢測生物體。使用選擇性補充劑在該培養基上抑制大多數經常遇到的革蘭氏陰性糞便污染物。蛋白腖特殊和酵母提取物提供硝基和碳質化合物,長鏈氨基酸,維生素和 生物體生長所需的其他必需營養素。 氯化鈉保持培養基的滲透平衡。膽鹽混合物和十二烷基硫酸鈉(SLS)抑制大多數伴隨的菌群。添加選擇性補充劑進一步增加了培養基的選擇性。
HiMedia Laboratories 的顯色培養基 產品以HiCrome為開頭命名
       相較於 法國Chromagar、德國Merck、英國Oxoid、美國Remel 其他顯色培養基品牌,
       HiMedia 顯色培養基產品 更多元,更豐富,品質優越。