HIMEDIA HiCrome 顯色培養基(/產色培養基/呈色培養基)

                                 ( Chromogenic / Fluorogenic Culture Media )

        (一種或多種顯色劑(目測) 或 熒光顯色劑(紫外燈照射觀察) )
該特殊性底物 與 特定微生物自身代謝產生的酶 會產生顯色(產色)情形,


HiMedia – M1540 L. Mono Differential Agar Base

Recommended for the selective and differential isolation of Listeria monocytogenes based on PIPLC activity.
Principle and Interpretation
L. mono Differential Agar Base is based on the formulation of Ottoviani and Agosti (2, 3) for the selective and differential isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from food and animal feeds which is adopted by ISO Committee (1). HM peptone, Tryptone, yeast extract and sodium pyruvate provide essential growth nutrients and nitrogenous, carbonaceous compounds, long chain amino acids and vitamin B complex. Glucose is the fermentable carbohydrate. Sodium chloride maintains osmotic equilibrium. Phosphate buffers the medium. Lithium chloride and added selective supplements (FD212 and FD213) inhibit accompanying microflora and allow the growth of Listeria species. Listeria species hydrolyse the chromogenic substrate which produces greenish-blue coloured colonies. Differentiation of Listeria monocytogenes from other Listeria species is based on phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIPLC) activity. Phospholipase C enzyme hydrolyses the purified substrate (FD214) added to the medium resulting in an opaque halo around Listeria monocytogenes colonies.
L. mono Differential Agar Base基於Ottoviani和Agosti(2,3)的配方,用於從食品和動物飼料中選擇性和差異性分離單核細胞增生李斯特菌,這是ISO委員會採用的(1)。 HM蛋白腖,胰蛋白腖,酵母提取物和丙酮酸鈉提供必需的生長營養素和含氮,含碳化合物,長鏈氨基酸和維生素B複合物。葡萄糖是可發酵的碳水化合物。氯化鈉保持滲透平衡。磷酸鹽緩衝介質。氯化鋰和添加的選擇性補充劑(FD212和FD213)抑制伴隨的微生物群並允許李斯特菌屬物種的生長。李斯特菌物種水解生色底物,產生綠藍色的菌落。來自其他李斯特菌屬物種的單核細胞增生李斯特氏菌的分化基於磷脂酰肌醇特異性磷脂酶C(PIPLC)活性。磷脂酶C酶水解純化的 將底物(FD214)加入到培養基中,在單核細胞增生李斯特菌菌落周圍產生不透明的暈圈。
HiMedia Laboratories 的顯色培養基 產品以HiCrome為開頭命名
       相較於 法國Chromagar、德國Merck、英國Oxoid、美國Remel 其他顯色培養基品牌,
       HiMedia 顯色培養基產品 更多元,更豐富,品質優越。