HIMEDIA HiCrome 顯色培養基(/產色培養基/呈色培養基)

                                 ( Chromogenic / Fluorogenic Culture Media )

        (一種或多種顯色劑(目測) 或 熒光顯色劑(紫外燈照射觀察) )
該特殊性底物 與 特定微生物自身代謝產生的酶 會產生顯色(產色)情形,


HiMedia – M1633andM1634 HiCrome™ RajHans Medium/Modified (Salmonella Agar/Modified)

Recommended For identification and differentiation of Salmonella species from among the members of Enterobacteriaceae, especially Proteus species.
Principle and Interpretation
HiCrome™ RajHans Medium/Modified is a modification of the original formulation of Rambach (2), used for differentiation of Salmonella species from Proteus species and other enteric bacteria. The original formulation is based on the novel characteristic of Salmonella species to produce acid from propylene glycol, which is detected by indicators present in the medium. These media are unique, because it is not based on acid production by propylene glycol. These media like many other media such as SS Agar, XLD Agar, recommended for the identification and differentiation of Salmonella species are based on lactose fermentation (1). Tryptone, peptone and yeast extract supports the luxuriant growth of bacteria by providing carbonaceous and nitrogenous compounds, long chain amino acids, vitamin B complex and other essential nutrients. Sodium deoxycholate inhibits gram-positive organisms rendering the medium selective for enteric microorganisms. The chromogenic mixture incorporated in the medium yields pink to red colonies of Salmonella. Lactose fermenting organisms form light purple to blue violet colonies. Other enteric gram-negative bacteria form colourless colonies.
HiCrome™RajHans Medium / Modified是對Rambach(2)原始配方的改良,用於分化來自變形桿菌屬和其他腸道細菌的沙門氏菌。最初的配方是基於沙門氏菌物種的新特徵,從丙二醇中產生酸,通過檢測 介質中存在的指標。這些介質是獨特的,因為它不是基於丙二醇的酸生產。這些培養基像許多其他培養基如SS瓊脂,XLD瓊脂,推薦用於鑑定和分化沙門氏菌,是基於乳糖發酵(1)。 胰蛋白腖,蛋白腖和酵母提取物通過提供含碳和含氮化合物,長鏈氨基酸,維生素B複合物和其他必需營養素來支持細菌的繁茂生長。 脫氧膽酸鈉抑制革蘭氏陽性菌,使培養基對腸道微生物具有選擇性。摻入培養基中的生色混合物產生粉紅色至紅色的沙門氏菌菌落。 乳糖發酵生物形成淺紫色至藍色紫色菌落。 其他腸道革蘭氏陰性細菌形成無色菌落。
HiMedia Laboratories 的顯色培養基 產品以HiCrome為開頭命名
       相較於 法國Chromagar、德國Merck、英國Oxoid、美國Remel 其他顯色培養基品牌,
       HiMedia 顯色培養基產品 更多元,更豐富,品質優越。